I am currently a student of IT Engineering from ÉTS (École de technologie supérieure) in Montreal, Canada. 🇨🇦
I started off tinkering with servers before I found myself being passionate about developping software for mobile devices. While I specialize mainly in software development and systems management, I also dwelve into digital design in various occasions.
Here are some technologies and programming languages I had the opportunity to work with:
↳ Kotlin
↳ Android
↳ TypeScript
↳ Go
↳ Docker
↳ .NET

A tired me posing at the top of Mt. Fuji. 🗻
Software Developper Intern
(Sep. 2020 - Dec. 2020)
↳ Improved Sharegate Desktop which helps over 20000 IT admins and specialists in their Microsoft 365 migration tasks.
↳ Enhanced the migration process on Microsoft Teams by supporting individual channels.
↳ Converted the application developped on .NET Framework to .NET Core.
Software Engineering Intern
(Jan. 2020 - Apr. 2020)
↳ Developed a data migration backend service responsible for migrating data from A360 Drive to Autodesk Drive serving thousands of users.
↳ Implemented the service in Node.js and TypeScript while enhancing software stability by writing tests using Mocha, Chai, and Sinon.
↳ Built custom dashboards for reporting system reliability metrics.
Infrastructure Engineering Intern
(May 2019 - Aug. 2019)
↳ Implemented a VoIP related Virtual Network Function (VNF) using containerization technologies for R&D purposes.
↳ Created and maintained the infrastructure required for hosting containerized applications using Docker and Kubernetes.
↳ Analyzed and compared performance data using test scenarios based on NTT's internal systems.
Student Club Captain
(Sep. 2017 - Apr. 2019)
↳ Maintained ÉTS’s student portal mobile application used by over 10K daily users.
↳ Designed, lead the development, and deployed the beta of a rewritten version for Android using Kotlin.
↳ Supported the IT infrastructure of the club based on AWS, Netlify, Travis-CI, and Firebase.
↳ Revamped the integration process for new members resulting in better contributions.
Release Engineering Intern
(Jan. 2018 - Apr. 2018)
↳ Analysed and implemented a new software delivery pipeline using Jenkins and RHEL.
↳ Contributed to the DevOps initiative throughout the company.
IT Technician Intern
(May 2016 - Aug. 2016)
↳ Assisted users through on floor and remote services.
↳ Configured and maintained user computers and servers through Windows, Windows Server and SCCM.
Technical Analyst Intern
(Jan. 2016 - Apr. 2016 and May 2015 - Aug. 2015)
↳ Configure and maintain the company's infrastructure with Windows Server and RHEL.
↳ Assist in technical and customer support for the customers of the company.
↳ Implemented a authentication solution for remote access through OpenVPN and Duo.